Located in the Polynesia at 3.700 km (2,300 mi) from the Chilean coast, is Rapa Nui (Easter Island). This wonderful island is part of the Polynesian triangle with Hawai at the north vertex, New Zealand at the south vertex and Rapa Nui on the eastern one. Its inhabitants developed between myths and reality, an extraordinary culture, full of archeological treasures that have transcended its frontiers. The island was declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 1995 and recognized from its origins as the largest open sky museum in the world. It does not exist any inhabitated place on earth so isolated in the ocean as the Chilean Polynesia, and it is precisely this condition of isolation that provides its authenticity and mistery. To go around its white sand beaches, volcanoes, prieries and more than 1.000 moais are some of the things not to be missed when you visit this magical place.